Sudden Death (or Sudden Cardiac Arrest) is the main cause of death in North America.
Saving lives
It kills more people than AIDS, brain attack (cerebrovascular accident) and lung cancer all together. Without an immediate care or early defibrillation, only 5 to 10 % of SCA victims may survive. The presence of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is deemed of prime importance since it has been proven these last years that survival rates would be vastly increased if these medical devices were accessible close to the scene.
Nowadays, many Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) programs have been implemented to encourage greater acquisition of defibrillators in public and private areas, to get more people trained and to enable a massive AED deployment in North America. Good Samaritan laws have encouraged such initiatives in both the US and Canada.
Thus, Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are of much easier access for the general public. More people know about their potential usefulness as a result of their massive deployment or simply because they are getting used to seeing AED cabinets in their everyday life for instance. Read More

Our product
Outdoor cabinet with Open access, audible alarm, heating and ventilation automatically activated via
a temperature sensor, 24 Volt power supply, night/day lightning through luminosity sensor
and customizable label.
Easy installation
A vast majority of SCAs are actually witnessed. Therefore, having AEDs in strategic places is essential, provided that the AED is easily accessible and operational at any time. It vastly improves the chances of survival but also the awareness that we always need more AEDs deployed, combined with more trained people, more first aid information and more appropriate instructions…
Considering the fact that AEDs should be close to the scene (maximum 5 minutes) anywhere and at any time, HD1PY is aware that all kind of strategic places should be equipped, inside as well as outside buildings. Adapted to be used inside as well as outside, the AIVIA cabinet offered by HD1PY is the solution for public access defibrillation programs.
With a 8 year-experience in the installation of AED cabinets and tens of thousands of successful deployments outside buildings, HD1PY has the expertise and effective solutions to allow an easy outdoor public access solution.

Why should we see much more AEDs located outdoors ?
A large percentage of Sudden Cardiac Arrest may occur at home during the evening for instance. Having a defibrillator indoors may limit the accessibility of the AED to opening hours of an equipped building. As a matter of fact, the AED should be in Open access to enable a fast action at any moment and not only during a limited time range since SCA can strike at any time.
Massive AED deployments in public and private sites is a recognized solution but AEDs should be accessible in all kind of places and more especially round the clock.
An outdoor cabinet is more likely accessible 24 hours a day, all week long. What if the closest AED is not accessible because a building is closed when SCA strikes…? Would it be helpful if it cannot be accessed when required?
Outdoor cabinets are the best responses to a permanent accessibility, provided that the AED cabinets bring together the right features to house the AED in outdoor conditions.
HD1PY will be delighted to share its experience to ensure that customers make the right decision and implement a successful AED program.
AIVIA 200: Outdoor cabinet with Open access, audible alarm, heating and ventilation automatically activated via a temperature sensor, 24 Volt power supply, night/day lightning through luminosity sensor and customizable label.